LOCK & TALK is a suicide prevention initiative in the state of Virginia that strives to encourage community conversation around mental wellness and promote safe care of lethal means, including firearms and medications (lockandtalk.org).

LOCK-A path to safety. Provide support and remove access to lethal means.

L-Look for warning signs: warning signs of someone who may be at risk include changes in behavior, withdrawal from activities, giving away possessions, or expressing feelings of hopelessness.

0-0ffer support: offer space to talk, listen to how they are feeling, and show genuine empathy. Tell them they are not alone and people care about their well-being.
C-Communicate concerns: express your concern. Ask directly about thoughts of suicide and encourage them to seek professional help.

K-Keep safe from lethal means: remove access
to lethal means by safely storing or removing
firearms, medications, or dangerous objects.

TALK-Can effectively help prevent suicide.

T-Take it seriously: thoughts of suicide seriously shouldn't be dismissed or ignored. Recognize warning signs and seek help promptly.

A-Ask directly: Ask, "Are you thinking about suicide?"

L-Listen non-judgmentally: create a safe space where individuals can share their feelings and experiences openly, knowing that they will be heard and supported.

K-Keep talking: say, "I understand you're struggling. Let's keep talking and connect with ongoing supports."

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