Public Information

We want your feedback!

Are you between the ages of 18-25? If so, scan the QR code to complete the Young Adult Survey (YAS). The first 150 young adults who complete the survey will receive their choice of an Amazon or Walmart Gift Card worth $15.

ParentingBrochure 1

Parenting Programs

I wanted to share information regarding the new Parenting Program that is being offered by Alleghany Highlands Community Services. This program is for anyone in the community, they do not have to be clients of the Community Services. Individuals do not need a referral to be a part of these programs, however may be referred by pediatricians, court, or Social Services.

Please share as appropriate – our Parenting Program registration is now open. Visit and click on Events and Trainings to register.

Oral Nicotine Pouches And Lozenges

This is an article regarding oral nicotine pouches as they are becoming more popular and the misleading advertising associated with them.